Wednesday 28 January 2015

DIY Jars

So guys this week I decided to do something different and do a DIY. I thought a long time about this until I was in town and it came to me I’m going to use jars. It is unbelievable how many different things you can do with a jar. You think jars are simple but with a few more materials it can be so much more.

I am going to show you how I decorated my jar and show you that I’m going to use it for blog ideas.

·         A jar (any kind of jar shape and size don’t matter just depends on what your using it for)
·         Ribbon(optional)
·         Decorations to decorate your jar(glitter, stickers, anything really)
·         Colourful pens/pencils
·         Card/paper
·         Pencil
·         Scissors
·         Tape(optional)

Step 1
Gather all the equipment you need. 

Step 2
Write all your ideas on the card/paper.

Step 3
Decorate the card in any way you want.

Step 4
Cut out your card and put them to the side.

Time to decorate the jar.
I’m going to tie a ribbon around my jar and tie it with a bow then attach some card to label what my jar is used for.

                                             This is my jar before i added a few more bits on.

Put all the pieces of paper in the jar (folded or whatever suits you best.) 

                                                                    My finshed jar!

That is all I am going to do to my jar as I like the design of it but there is so much more you guys can do to decorate it in your own unique way. I am going to use my jar as a place I can store my bog ideas and a place I can get ideas when I am stuck for ideas. I am going to do this random stick my hand in the jar and then the first one I pull out will be my blog. I hope you guys like my unique idea as I didn’t want to do a common thing like write them down in your phone or book or other things so this was just my idea to make it unique and special.

These are some ideas you can do with the jar
1.       To decorate your room with
2.       Lanterns
3.       Snow globe
4.       Decoration
5.       A flower vase
6.       To organise things in your room
7.       Storage (like somewhere to put the small easily lost things e.g. clips and bobbles)
8.       You can even use them to organise food like Niomi Smart ( a very good Youtuber I like)

That’s all for this week’s blog guys I hope you like it and it was something different.

Comment down below if you want me to do a step by step of anything or even something on the jars list.


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